All about Bruno

All about Bruno Chaza
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Bruno Chaza
Messages : 2531
Inscription : 07 sept. 2004, 21:51
Localisation : France

All about Bruno

Message : # 23295Message Bruno Chaza »

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About Bruno Chaza
All in One Page

Videos and pictures here .....

Chosen amongst the ten best bass players in the world in 2011 on the world Bass event, his discography gets richer in 2017 with the Moonlight album and The Conversations album in 2019 records based on guitar and bass around the music of Jean Sebastien Bach. Thess album are recorded as duets with John Patitucci (Chick Corea), Laurence Cottle, Federico Malaman, Michael Manring, Kai Eckardt (John Mac Laughlin), Edgar Meraz, and has been arranged by Jason Miles arranger the Tutu album from Miles Davis and by Michel Eyan. The mix was realized at studios Icp in Brussels by Phil Delire and Phil Wake in France.

I'm fan of Bruno playing. It was a pleasure to play Bach's music with him. Bach is one of my most favorite composers and I enjoyed Bruno's arrangement for two basses. I also enjoyed hearing some of the other duets that Bruno did with the other fine bassist on the project. John Patitucci

Interpret Bach is like play something impossible to play, perfect! Thanks Bruno for having involved in this musically project class. Federico Malaman

One of the greatest joys of being a musician is to be able to take up the masterpieces of the great JS Bach. The music is of course, sublimely, unfalteringly beautiful and simultaneously intellectually deep, rich and fulfilling. There's not much I can or need to add to the praise that's already been rightly given to these cornerstones of Western Civilization, but I'd like to point out a special challenge and opportunity Bach's music offers us. Michael Manring

I was very surprised to be invited to participate on this very unique album by Bruno Chaza. I love a challenge and I love musicians that think outside the box. I love the concept of this album and Bruno playing is just virtuoso! Jason Miles

I met Bruno Chaza more than 10 years ago by accident on Myspace. I was very impressed with his playing. Many years later I received an invitation to participate in the new classical album. I was very happy to work with Bruno for the first time. Stepping into the mind of the great JS Bach was challenging and yet very fulfilling. Kai Eckhardt

I' m very honored to be a part of this very important project. Share music with Bruno has been a wonderful experience throughout my career as a musician. Bruno as well as being a musician I admire, he is also a great person that puts the heart in everything he does. As a teacher he is inspiring but he is also a great human being. Edgar Meraz

I'd been a fan of Bruno's playing way before he invited me to join this stellar group of musicians, and I am delighted to be part of this Bach celebration. I hope the listener gets as much enjoyment out of the recording as we did performing it ! Laurence Cottle

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Books Endorsement

During aside of his career as a musician, he is as well author of several bass guitar methods at Welty Editions. The distribution of these methods is through the website in 2 formats : as a book and as a digital format. Endorsed amps by american brand Aguilar, german brand Glockenklang and as well by french instrument maker Christian Noguera.

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A signature Bruno Chaza bass is available in 3 configurations : fretted, fretless and piccolo. These models are available since 2009.
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Bruno Chaza teaches in various organisations such as Isdat (Pole Superieur Occitanie, France), Regional Conservatory of Toulouse, Yamaha academy in Latin America and Mexico.
His musical studies were unanimously awarded by a superior 1st prize and excellence from the Conservatory by the jury.

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Endorsement : Glockenklang, Noguera bass, Labella Strings


More pictures, transcriptions, contact, news, blog, on the website official
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Avatar de l’utilisateur
Bruno Chaza
Messages : 2531
Inscription : 07 sept. 2004, 21:51
Localisation : France

Re: All about Bruno

Message : # 24982Message Bruno Chaza »

Dorénavant le forum à une traduction anglais en haut à droite
Le website a une version anglaise également
Omar Gold
Nouveau bassiste-forumeur
Nouveau bassiste-forumeur
Messages : 3
Inscription : 05 mars 2022, 03:17

All about Bruno

Message : # 25158Message Omar Gold »

Great bass player, thanks for all this music

Dernière remontée par Bruno Chaza le 21 déc. 2023, 19:50.